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Showing posts from October, 2020

From Blantyre to Bulwell - A Life Update

Hello!! A lot has changed since we last blogged.  I've kept meaning to post, but have been delaying until we've "fully processed" our year and come to some life-changing conclusions to share. Perhaps that isn't particularly realistic or even helpful though, so I'm just gonna share how our last month has been and where we're at now! The excellent cake Anna Scott welcomed us home with Where are you?? The wonderful (but also sad) news is that we're back in the UK and have moved back to Nottingham. When I last posted we genuinely had no clue when or how we would be getting home. But then in a relatively crazy couple of days we found out we could get a charter flight to Zambia, then a commercial flight through Ethiopia and up to London. This was still outside of our budget though, so we reached out to some close friends and family that have been supporting us. Amazingly, within 12 hours, the full amount was raised and we were able to book the flights!! ...