Hello! Welcome to our blog about the time we're spending in Blantyre, Malawi. First off, it'd be good to explain why we're even going in the first place. Origin Story I (Ben) have grown up in a family full of missionaries, so I've grown up pretty used to the idea of people living overseas. I even spent the first five years of my life living in Albania. You could say it's in my blood. To be honest, that's what I've thought ever since committing my life to Jesus when I was 18 - I'll probably do something ' like that ' someday. I even felt like God confirmed that to me one summer at a Christian camp, that He was calling me to something abroad. The what, when and how I wasn't sure of though. Visiting Grandma and Grandpa Casebow in Uganda, aged 6 Ever since I've known Bekah she's known God has given her a heart for Africa. Now, a lot of people may say that they have a heart for somewhere, but not many people get so emotional tha...